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Study Resources and Guide for the LEED Canada NC 1.0 Exam

Below, you’ll find some helpful information regarding the LEED Canada NC 1.0 Exam.

Currently, the only helpful information I can find about the LEED Canada Exam is from the link below:

In addition, material for the U.S. LEED Version 2.2 New Construction exam will prove to be helpful as well, since they are almost exactly the same (there are some minor differences, so using your CaGBC reference guide is always your best bet). You may be able to find some LEED NCv2.2 study guides around the net.

I wish you the best of luck on your LEED for Canada NC 1.0 Exam!

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4 Comments On This Post

  1. I passed LEED AP on March 2009
    I’m available to provide course in LEED AP

    • Hey Magdy,
      Im about to give my exam on the 4th of Nov. Would you be able to help me with some questions i have?

  2. In the application review process, there are 3 parties, the applicant, the review team, and CaGBC. I’m not exactly clear who the review team consists of. Are they not part of the CaGBC as well?

  3. im doing civil engineering of masonry at FET college with subjects of MATERIALS,CONSTRUCTION PLANT AND EQUIPMENT , CONSTRUCTION PLANNING ,MASONRY , so i need you to me help me with study guide of this subjects or any advice about where to find them


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